Elevate: A DisArt Fashion Show
DisArt will use the ramps and platforms from HYBRID STRUCTURES during its ELEVATE Fashion Show, a performance promising to be a highlight of ArtPrize 8. Disabled models from the Grand Rapids area will wear curated fashions made by designers from New York, Chicago, Mexico, Boston, and West Michigan.
The show, produced by KBOgroup, will be a multimedia experience including projections on buildings, a state-of- the-art light show, and digital audio. The fashion show, visible from many vantage points on the Rumsey Street Project site, will be audio-described for visually impaired audience members, and also interpreted in American Sign Language.
Robert Andy Coombs, fashion lead for DisArt, produced the 2015 DisArt Festival Fashion Show. He explains, “After the great success of the 2015, show I was delighted to get the opportunity to work with DisArt again. I was immediately excited to learn that we would be collaborating with SiTE:LAB in order to make HYBRID STRUCTURES double as the runway! This show will be more dynamic and diverse than the last with all-new amazing designs and creative vision.”
Gene Davidson and The Edge Salon will do hair and makeup for the event. The fashion show will be streamed live for those who are unable to attend. From 10–12 p.m., DJ Keller Shaw will be moving into the garage for a post-fashion DJ show set for those planning to stay up late with us and want to dance