My Dearest Friends Project
A COVID-19 Collaboration between DisArt and Oaklee Thiele Are you hunkering down and getting ready for physical isolation for the next couple weeks? Have you already been doing this for the last couple days, weeks, or even years? We want to hear your thoughts and experiences in the wake of the COVID-19 Shelter in Place mandates! DisArt has teamed up with artist Oaklee Thiele to capture this moment in history, to capture your perspectives, so they are not forgotten.
During this time of sheltering in place, DisArt and artist Oaklee Thiele seek to create an inclusive documentation of our collective experiences as a Disabled community. We invite you to submit written, audio, and video observations that detail your experiences with, reactions to, and ponderings on our current COVID-19 reality. Through this collaborative community-based project, we aim to find solace and togetherness in our shared experiences.
Submission Process:
- Send your submission to hello@disartnow.org
- Start with “My Dearest Friends…”
- Conclude with your first name.
- Written: Maximum 280 characters
- Audio: Maximum 30 seconds (send as voice memo)
- Video: Maximum 30 seconds (send as MP4, MOV, etc.)
To see all published submissions, follow @mydearestfriendsprocejct or #dearestfriendsproject #disartnow #oakleethiele
*Submissions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of DisArt and Oaklee Thiele.
**By submitting to the My Dearest fRiends Project you are agreeing to have your words published on social media platforms managed by DisArt and Oaklee Thiele.